INSPIRED LIVING #6 with Ren Hurst

Today I talk with the inspiring  author, social entrepreneuer and spiritual activist Ren Hurst. In this rich conversation with Ren  I was sometimes lost for words and had sooooo many questions that I didn`t know where to go first! So this is an episode not just for horse and animal lovers!

Ren left her very successful career as a professional horse trainer when she stumbled upon the completely different approach to life without wanting to control another being (for our own use) and how RICH and rewarding this way of living is. After a transforming encounter with an untrained stallion, she couldn`t go back to her “old way” of training horses. Without a Plan B and nothing to support her life, she started to live off the grid, caring for her 30 animals, just because she had this radical shift in perspective.

Today, her life is dedicated to speaking up for animals and teaching people what she has learned from choosing love over exploitation. (You can check out the whole story in Ren`s first book:  Riding  Riding On the Power of Others: A Horsewoman’s Path to Unconditional Love

In this interview you will see:

  • that it is important to be compassionate with our “old” self when we see things differently now
  • the completely different approach to life without wanting to control another being and how RICH and rewarding this way of living is
  • how important it is to see the subtlest “No” when we don`t have any means of control – and what this has to do with an encounter in a bar 🙂
  • that horses (and other living beings) are capable of so much more than we accredit to them
  • that the freedom we give to those in our care reflects the freedom we are giving ourselves
  • how we can experience more of this freedom
  • that we often have lost touch with who we REALLY are and our inherent kinship with all life
  • and how we can rewild our hearts

So enjoy this episode!


To find out more about Ren go to
or to


Ren gave a wonderful presentation at the Vegan Festival 2017:  Riding On the Power of Others: A Horsewoman’s Path to Unconditional Love:

Also I can highly recommend Ren`s book Riding On the Power of Others: A Horsewoman’s Path to Unconditional Love


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